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If you have a PVAAS evaluation, this past year’s data is still going to follow you. The media has reported that the scores are being waived, but that’s only for the district’s/school performance report. Here is a link to a .pdf from the Department of Education. 


Here is the budget committee report from the 2013- 2014 school year.  Please download the .pdf file to read the answers to the many questions given to the superintendent regarding the school's budget. 


Here is the letter from Randi Weingarten about the rate changes with union dues. Page 1  Page 2

The PFT and PCAPS are calling for dissolving the School Reform Commission in favor of a locally accountable school board

A survey of Pennsylvanians by Terry Madonna's Opinion Research group found that 71 percent of Pennsylvanians believe the state needs to make a bigger investment in public education. 


It was an awe-inspiring sight in Philadelphia Thursday (Aug. 22) as thousands of students, parents, teachers and school staff clad in iconic red T-shirts marched from Comcast headquarters and around City Hall to rally outside school district headquarters for full, fair and sustainable funding for public schools.

SCRANTON – (June 30, 2013) – AFT Pennsylvania convention delegates voted to expand  its campaign to save Pennsylvania’s public schools, colleges and universities and engage and mobilize not only its members, but parents, students, community leaders and lawmakers to stop the “excessive and unnecessary state takeovers of school districts, and for the return of local control of our schools to democratically elected school boards.”
In a dramatic conclusion to the union’s Biennial Convention, delegates from across the state 
condemned “the reckless policy of mass closings, mass firings, mass

Tuesday, June 25, more than 2,000 and parents, students, clergy and AFTPA members traveled to  Harrisburg from across Pennsylvania tell lawmakers to restore the billiion-dollar education budget cuts to save our public schools, community colleges and universities. 


AFT Pennsylvania joined with state Senate Democrats in calling for a moratorium on the requirements for students, teachers and schools associated with the new Common Core State Standards on Monday.


AFTPA supports a proposal by PA Rep. James Roebuck that would change the way the state funds cyber-charter schools and return nearly $400 million to public schools - without raising taxes.